Misty Blue Mountain – The Paramin Experience

Paramin (Maraval) Paramin, Trinidad and Tobago

Experience Paramin with Palance868! Come join us as we discover Paramin in a whole new way! This very unique sightseeing and cultural tour through the hills and valleys of the Paramin Village nestled in the western end of the Northern Range, Trinidad. Our certified tour operator, born and bred in the village of Paramin, will […]


Gasparee Caves & Monos Island Adventure

Down D Islands Chaguaramas , Trinidad and Tobago

This 2 in one adventure takes us exploring in the Gasparee Caves on Gaspar Grande then to Monas Island for relaxing on the beautiful stretch of gorgeous Biscayne Bay.   Cost: $ 300 (adult), $275 (kids under 12 years) This cost is inclusive of CDA tour fees, Palance868 guide fees and the boat to and […]


Misty Blue Mountain – The Paramin Experience

Paramin (Maraval) Paramin, Trinidad and Tobago

Experience Paramin with Palance868! Come join us as we discover Paramin in a whole new way! This very unique sightseeing and cultural tour through the hills and valleys of the Paramin Village nestled in the western end of the Northern Range, Trinidad. Our certified tour operator, born and bred in the village of Paramin, will […]


Hike to Turure Watersteps

Palance868 Adventures Club

One of our most enjoyable hikes yet! This destination is as magical as it is breathtaking. EVENT DESCRIPTION: Within the forests of Cumaca lies a series of three beautiful spread-type waterfalls, where curtains of water cascade down limestone faces. These waterfalls are immediately after each other along the Turure River. At the base of each […]


Misty Blue Mountain – The Paramin Experience

Paramin (Maraval) Paramin, Trinidad and Tobago

Experience Paramin with Palance868! Come join us as we discover Paramin in a whole new way! This very unique sightseeing and cultural tour through the hills & valleys of the Paramin Village nestled in the western end of the Northern Range, Trinidad. Our certified tour operator, born and bred in the village of Paramin, will […]


L’eau Michel & Digity Mud Volcanoes & Beach Hike

Mount Hope Riverside Ave, San Juan, Trinidad and Tobago

EVENT DESCRIPTION: Come join us on another one of Palance868's Signature Road Trips - our South Mud Volcano Road Trip! This amazing adventure starts when we grab breakfast/Indian delicacies at the famous sheds in Debe to ensure we are well-fueled for an exciting day out! On the itinerary for the day is the following mud […]


Meyah Waterfall, River & Gorge Exploration, Paramin

Paramin (Maraval) Paramin, Trinidad and Tobago

Some may think Paramin is just mountains and views but hidden in this village are wonderful treasures awaiting your discovery! Join us as we explore the Meyah River down to the top of Tsou Falls. Rating: 3 - 3.5 (easy to fair, dependent on one's fitness) This adventure is not suitable for kids under the […]


Mistry Blue Mountain – The Paramin Experience

Paramin (Maraval) Paramin, Trinidad and Tobago

Experience Paramin with Palance868! Come join us as we discover Paramin in a whole new way! This very unique sightseeing and cultural tour through the hills & valleys of the Paramin Village nestled in the western end of the Northern Range, Trinidad. Our certified tour operator, born and bred in the village of Paramin, will […]


Misty Blue Mountain – The Paramin Experience

Paramin (Maraval) Paramin, Trinidad and Tobago

Experience Paramin with Palance868! Come join us as we discover Paramin in a whole new way! This very unique sightseeing and cultural tour through the hills & valleys of the Paramin Village nestled in the western end of the Northern Range, Trinidad. Our certified tour operator, born and bred in the village of Paramin, will […]


Rio Seco Waterfall & Pool Adventure – Easy to Fair Hike

Rio Seco Waterfall PXP7+2XF, Sangre Grande, Trinidad and Tobago

DESTINATION: Rio Seco Waterfall EVENT DESCRIPTION: Situated in NE Trinidad, the Matura National Park was designated an Environmentally Sensitive Area in 2004 under the EMA’s Environmentally Sensitive Area Rules. It is home to several Environmentally Sensitive Species including the Ocelot and Trinidad Piping-Guan, as well as the orchid Oncidium citrinum which is also highly vulnerable. […]

$75 – $105

Mermaid Pools Adventure, Matura (Kids & Dog Friendly)

Food Basket Compound, Arima JP54+MVQ, O'Meara Rd S, Arima, Trinidad and Tobago

DESTINATION: Mermaid Pools   EVENT DESCRIPTION: An exquisite and scenic destination, especially when the light of the morning sun beams down through the forest canopy and reflects off the sandstone and limestone riverbed, creating illuminated waves that ripple down the riverbed as the crystal-clear water flows by. Legend has it that once upon a time, […]

$75 – $100

Seas the Day in Paria-dise! – (A “Paria by Boat” Adventure)

Paria Bay QQQ2+P5M, Blanchisseuse, Trinidad and Tobago

Always wanted to visit Paria but want to avoid the strenuous hike? Well you're in luck! We'll be taking you there for a full day of relaxing and bathing BY BOAT! Paria Bay & waterfall is a definite bucket list item! Come enjoy the majestic views of famous Cathedral Rock, walk along the lustrous Paria […]

$300 – $325

Hike to Aripo Waterfall & Pot Pools – Easy

Aripo Heights MQX8+RXQ, Unnamed Road, Blanchisseuse, Trinidad and Tobago

hat better way to close off 2023 that with a hike! DESTINATION: Aripo Waterfall   EVENT DESCRIPTION: The Village of Aripo is located North East of the town of Arima and nestled in one of the valleys of the Northern Range, Trinidad. Join us as we take a drive along the meandering roadway and through […]

$75 – $105